As we kick off Term 2 of our Crystal Palace Junior Indoor Volleyball Club, we wanted to hear from our team captains about how they felt about last Term, along with challenges, highlights and best moments!
Have a look at our interviews with Stanley, Ava and Sid, the Tier 1 & 2 Captains for the Girls & Boys teams.
What has been the team’s highlight of the season?
I would say that the highlight of the season so far has been the most recent round of the Grand Prix because despite losing 1 of our 3 games, it felt as if the team had finally clicked and everything we’d been practicing in training was working effectively. Not only were we playing better than I think we ever have, the team spirit was incredibly high.
What challenges (if any) did the team face on the court, or are you guys looking to improve on for next season?
The main challenge we still face on court is the ability to maintain focus and high morale even in losing situations. I expect this skill will come over time and I look forward to the team improving in the next season, in this, and many other aspects, such as communication in the pass receive and staying disciplined on the block.
Why would you recommend other juniors to join the Deep Dish Juniors or to join your team?
I’d highly recommend Deep Dish to any players, new or experienced, as the training we receive is phenomenal and all of the coaches are super invested in our success as individuals and a team. As well as this, the friendliness of all members of the club allow for training to stay incredibly fun even as we strive for victory.
Most memorable/funniest moment from this term?
My favourite moment from this term has to be Bailey shouting COME ON DEEP DISH as loud as he could before every team shout at the most recent round of the Grand Prix.
I think the teams highlights of the season was in our most recent tournament where the points were tied and we had to go into overtime. Even though we ended up with a loss the set was still most exciting one of the season ending in 26-28.
The only challenges faced on the court I would say is that most of us are quite new to tournaments and I think that may have been a bit nerve wrecking for a few but all in all for our first time competing in Tier 1 we did quite well.
The best thing about deep dish is the coaching and training. The team as a whole are lovely and I have learnt so much under the coaches so I would definitely recommend coming to deep dish!
What has been the team’s highlight of the season?
For me our teams highlight of the season would be getting every free ball and every serve passed well so we can have an attack on the ball.
What challenges (if any) did the team face on the court, or are you guys looking to improve on for next season?
Some of the challenges our team faced would have been our attacking and the power we could potentially get on the ball. Some things we could improve on would be blocking and serving.
Why would you recommend other juniors to join the Deep Dish Juniors or to join your team?
I would recommend other juniors to join our club because of the great coaches we have here and how well they can make us better in short amounts of time.
Most memorable/funniest moment from this term?
For me my favorite moment of the season so far would be winning our first game as a team and celebrating together.